The Best Day for Pi

Happy Pi day my fellow geeks!  Twice today, the calendar/time will read 3.14.15 9:26 (am or pm)! A perfect Pi day!! As always, my take on this “epic” Pi day is from a slightly different angle; hope these goes down as easy as pi(e).  Oh, and have a relatively happy birthday Albert Einstein.

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50 Shades of Hay

I confess, I have not read the books nor seen the movie.  But the word play from just the TRAILERS alone was enough to CORRAL me into this cookie set.  Just HORSIN’ around.  Hope I haven’t offended anyone who loves the topic- Shades of Grey or equine…

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Walking Dead part 2

Funny.  All of my Walking Dead cookie orders have been for KIDs birthdays.  Like under 14.  I am always SUPER appreciative of anyone who likes my cookie designs enough to request some but I figured The Walking Dead fans would be older???!  The reason I mention this particular sidebar is the dilemma of coming up with ideas that are appropriate.  That was particularly important for this order-  the favors were being given out in school.  Luckily, challenges that stretch the imagination are never a bad thing.  Here are the resulting Carl-, Daryl-, prison-, zombie-fied cookies, “splattered” with a touch of humor, “not dripping” with gore. DSC_0018 DSC_0020 DSC_0023 DSC_0013