I before E

A little irony before the end of the year. The English language both/often perplexes and amazes me.  2018 sure had some unique word choices.   ….exceptions to the rule or exceptional?

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Synonym Buns

Actual cinnamon buns in the oven led to synonym buns. Which got me on a roll that led to some pretty silly cookies. Seriously though, the English language and I have a long and convoluted relationship. Come along while I navigate my cookie-documented IDIOMactic journey!



Go with the Flow.er

Made this flower bouquet for a special birthday last summer. Love the ease and simplicity that cookie flowers allow.  Make as many or as little flower cookies as you want. Throw in some leaves for good measure.  Change the colors or shapes to work any time of the year.

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Fast Track

Making place cards for Colleen’s Christmas Eve dinner is an annual event. Her eldest grandchild is currently into trains so she thought I was on the right track with my “sweet” engine design. DSC_0385.jpgtrainplacecard1.jpgtrainplacecard2.jpg


Sometimes I feel like I’ve gone mental trying to come up with new Christmas designs. The struggle is real but in the end I decided not to fuss and just get down to business.  Some simple fretwork, a marbled tree or two, a few sweet Santas and Christmas is in the house.


Baker’s Christmas

My family will tell you that I can’t leave well enough alone.  Always tweaking a recipe, seeing a kids board game and must play it, listening to a travel program and must make plans to go there. Well, apparently, I can’t leave classic song lyrics alone either.

A shout out to all of my hard working, creative, amazingly talented fellow cookiers at this busiest of times!

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Season’s Bleatings

As I decorated cookies and listened to old school Christmas movies for background noise, I heard the proverbial “bah hum bug.” My mind went a-wandering and, ‘poof,’ yet another silly cookie set was born.

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Christmas Cheer

Word.play.Christmas onslaught begins.  Started with an athletic game with cheerleaders and ended with this set.  Rah rah sis boom bah (no humbug).

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Happy Hanukkah 2018

Spread the holiday sCHmEER. (Cheer + schmear= schmeer…)  Here’s to miracles and another year filled with all things light and bright.
