Quarter of a Century

Twenty five years on this planet! It only makes “cents” to celebrate with a cookie for every one of those beautiful years. Happy quarter of a century, Kendra (she turned 25 in June. I’m a tad bit late in posting. It’s 2020 timing.)!

I before E

A little irony before the end of the year. The English language both/often perplexes and amazes me.  2018 sure had some unique word choices.   ….exceptions to the rule or exceptional?

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Synonym Buns

Actual cinnamon buns in the oven led to synonym buns. Which got me on a roll that led to some pretty silly cookies. Seriously though, the English language and I have a long and convoluted relationship. Come along while I navigate my cookie-documented IDIOMactic journey!



Season’s Bleatings

As I decorated cookies and listened to old school Christmas movies for background noise, I heard the proverbial “bah hum bug.” My mind went a-wandering and, ‘poof,’ yet another silly cookie set was born.

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Fa Law Law Law Law


Holiday office party for the judicial courts in Colorado.  Please pun, the client said.  I don’t have to be asked twice. Her favorite were the ‘briefs’…






#1 TryptoFAN

Yes, yes.  We love Thanksgiving, what with family, friends, food and all. But sometimes there are those awkward moments where the conversation falls off and … Like Cards against Humanity, here are some topics that can reboot that dinner table chitchat to awesome(Cranberry)SAUCE.  Interestingly, turkey has no more L-trypotophan than red meats, cheese, chocolate, oats… but, hey, where there’s a couch, there’s a way! Happy Napzzz!


Hello Hall.OH.ween in 2017

One might say that I am a bit sPUNky at Halloween. No BONES about it…

This particular set is in Sister Bay, WI , participating in the GoBo cookie sale  (funds used in the fight against childhood cancer). Massive quantities of good looking sugar. October 13-15.  If you are near by, please consider supporting the cause!

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The full set:

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Snark Attack

This may or may not have been one of my favorite sets ever to create. Wisecracking was dripping off of my icing bag. I would go so far as to say it was total SASSafras. Maybe or maybe not a little close to home????



Met my Match

Burning for you. You’re so hot. Match made in Heaven. We’re on fire.  The possibilities are endless.

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We Wish You a Dairy Christmas

Just in QUESO you’re going to a holiday wine and cheese party… Or if you have a friend that is a cheesemonger (I do). Really, really- it’s NACHO fault if you are shaking your head; I CAMEMBERT when I didn’t take advantage of every opportunity to make a play on words.

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