Met my Match

Burning for you. You’re so hot. Match made in Heaven. We’re on fire.  The possibilities are endless.

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Can’t Live without You

This Valentine’s Day set is dedicated to a constant in my life: coffee.  It’s the BREWtal truth.  It is also my Valentines nod to those who don’t currently have a significant other. Maybe you’ve BEAN there, done that.

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You Rock Paper Scissors

I wish I had thought this idea up on my own. I saw it somewhere on the internet last year (sorry I am not crediting the “author”; let me know if you know who that is); the idea has been in the back recesses of my mind ever since waiting to be cookie.fied.  It works beautifully as a Valentines set. We’re (not) playing games this February 14th!

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Off the Cuff

My hubby and I have been married for 32 years (so far) and these cookies shipped off to our friends that were there from the very beginning.  We had an opportunity to visit their home town after not seeing them for a very, way-too-very long time.  The 4 of us were right back to our roots, laughing and exchanging stories like in days gone past. Couldn’t have been more wonderful! But, somewhere along the way, I realized that they had never experienced MamaMayerBakery decorated cookies.  Preposterous!  To cure that ill, I sent some valentine-ish cookies (it was that time of the year) for the pediatrician’s office where our friend works.  She sent me the logo for the Children’s Clinic East to incorporate and my usual way with word play took over.

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Single Pringle

Oh, puntastic Valentine season.  How I make you groan!  This one is for all my single lady (gentlemen) friends.  You deserve some cookie love too! single pringle wm

A Hunk, A Hunk of Burning Love

Okay.  So it’s actually “a hunk,” “a hunk,” AND burning “love.” Should have made them peanut butter flavor for the King.  No matter. Elvis has left the building. Special thanks to the great Callye Alvarado (the Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle) for the original tutorial and hunky torso idea!

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I’m Hooked

This valentine is for all those fishermen (or women) out there.  Valentine’s Day is the season of puns so I’ve SCALED up my production.

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