FALLing for you

Autumn, in all it’s splendor, is my favorite time of the year.  To celebrate the colors of the season, I baked some “autumnal” mini cookies to hand out to the neighbors! Just a little color to enjoy before we quiet down for winter.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

These cookies are a tribute to one AMAZING woman who, while fighting breast cancer, continued to train and successfully competed in an iron man competition.  She then topped that off with a marathon.  Some people defy the imagination.

When she was going through her treatment, she and her friends would wear pink wigs in solidarity and they had little paper baseball caps on a stick that were part of their celebrating “fun without cancer.”  I can cer vive.jpg


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The Door is always Open

Instructions: old school classroom doors, Room 202. Got it. Meanwhile, I am inspired by (the many fabulous cookie decorators out there but on this day) the water color effect used by the unbelievable, uber talented Angela at The Painted Box.  And also the mad skill painting of A+++ artist Molly at TheGingerBites. And the results were…

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Hello Hall.OH.ween in 2017

One might say that I am a bit sPUNky at Halloween. No BONES about it…

This particular set is in Sister Bay, WI , participating in the GoBo cookie sale  (funds used in the fight against childhood cancer). Massive quantities of good looking sugar. October 13-15.  If you are near by, please consider supporting the cause!

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The full set:

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Law and Order

Yes, I really do know the most incredible people.  Seriously.  Accomplished, interesting, nuanced folks.  Dan is one of those “complete package” guys.  He has made me chortle with laughter, tear up at his kindness, and shake my head at what can fit in his 24 hour day.  So, my word play cohort, go forth and rock Stanford Law School!law.jpg