And in the Morning, I’m Making Waffles

As a gift to a friend who also adores New Hampshire, I made these waffle cookies and bought some delicious Fuller’s Syrup to bring back all the best memories. Yum OHHHHH!

The waffles are simple square cookies. I added a royal icing layer in the form of a grid. Once dried, the cookies were dipped in extra thin icing to create the ivory icing covering of the cookie. I took a brush and scooped or moved the icing within the grids to make it look as real as possible. When that was dried, I mixed Americolor ivory and water and highlighted the shadows in the divots , etc. Chocolate brown for the syrup and egg yellow for the butter pat. Placed it all in a BRP Box for delivery!

We’ll Weather this Together

Let’s be there for each other, even if from a distance. And continue that support even after this storm has passed. #virusbegone

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Ahhhhh.  Maine in the summer.  Truly a slice of heaven on earth.  Friends invited us up for a concert, good company, and a traditional lobster dinner! I had to think of something CLAWsome to bring with us and here is the resulting gift box.  Please forgive the misspelling of buoy.  Didn’t catch my error until we were already on our way.  Still , they are cookies… they put their indignation aside.




It is my tradition to create a “punny” cookie set for my friend Kathy’s birthday.  She has the mother of all green thumbs and her garden is a wonder to behold. Her produce has inspired many a cookie veggie tale.  But lately, she has also been planting a veritable forest of trees on her property.  Mother Nature is so proud.

Oh yeah.  And she made me this incredible charcuterie board I used to stage the cookies!!

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Do It!

Okay.  We’re about to start another work week.  Hopefully you’ve had a great weekend and are ready to kick some backside.  As the week gets tough, remember – you can DO IT.  DOn’t quIT! Go forth and amaze!!


Baker’s Christmas

My family will tell you that I can’t leave well enough alone.  Always tweaking a recipe, seeing a kids board game and must play it, listening to a travel program and must make plans to go there. Well, apparently, I can’t leave classic song lyrics alone either.

A shout out to all of my hard working, creative, amazingly talented fellow cookiers at this busiest of times!

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SLAY Bells Ring

Are you listening? Suffice it to SLAY, those SLAY bells have been ringing! So many folks out there working hard 24/7, slaying their own world.  This is my homage to all you amazing people. MMB offers you props with the proverbial pun.  Keep up the good work and enjoy a bit of down time over the holidays.  Merry everything!!!!



Happy Thanksgiving 2017

Thankful for people who brought others into their community. For the folks who had more that chose to help those who were struggling. Who, although they didn’t understand each others ways, sat down at the table together. Thinking of that first Thanksgiving celebration today.

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Autumn Birthday

You know when you can’t get a song out of your head…? This particular one coincided a dear friend’s birthday and so the center cookie came to be created.  I love the tall cake designs by Aime over at The Painted Pastry ; I took inspiration and put my own fall spin on several cookies for the set. The edible oak leaves came from talented Tammy Holmes. Lastly, what birthday would be complete without party hats and party blowers???

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