Have a Tree.mendous Christmas

I’m on pins and ‘needles’ waiting to eat these Christmas tree cookies. They are the TannenBOMB! Fir sure.  Merry Christmas everyone!Christmas 2019.1.jpg

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This Elf is not on a Shelf

I will eat them in a box. I will eat them while in my socks. They are so good, so good, you see. I will eat them by the Christmas tree. I will eat them here and there. I will eat cookies anywhere.  This elf has certainly left the shelf. So you know where to sit your self.

The sweetest Christmas Eve dinner place cards you’ll ever find.

Cookie cutter from the wonderful KaleidaCuts!

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Fast Track

Making place cards for Colleen’s Christmas Eve dinner is an annual event. Her eldest grandchild is currently into trains so she thought I was on the right track with my “sweet” engine design. DSC_0385.jpgtrainplacecard1.jpgtrainplacecard2.jpg


Sometimes I feel like I’ve gone mental trying to come up with new Christmas designs. The struggle is real but in the end I decided not to fuss and just get down to business.  Some simple fretwork, a marbled tree or two, a few sweet Santas and Christmas is in the house.


Baker’s Christmas

My family will tell you that I can’t leave well enough alone.  Always tweaking a recipe, seeing a kids board game and must play it, listening to a travel program and must make plans to go there. Well, apparently, I can’t leave classic song lyrics alone either.

A shout out to all of my hard working, creative, amazingly talented fellow cookiers at this busiest of times!

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Season’s Bleatings

As I decorated cookies and listened to old school Christmas movies for background noise, I heard the proverbial “bah hum bug.” My mind went a-wandering and, ‘poof,’ yet another silly cookie set was born.

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Christmas Cheer

Word.play.Christmas onslaught begins.  Started with an athletic game with cheerleaders and ended with this set.  Rah rah sis boom bah (no humbug).

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SLAY Bells Ring

Are you listening? Suffice it to SLAY, those SLAY bells have been ringing! So many folks out there working hard 24/7, slaying their own world.  This is my homage to all you amazing people. MMB offers you props with the proverbial pun.  Keep up the good work and enjoy a bit of down time over the holidays.  Merry everything!!!!



Snow Globe

Deer me.  This herd is headed to my talented friend Jade; she is giving them out to her clients as a little gift when they come in to see her during the holiday season.   Cookies are a brilliant idea for a reasonably priced, sweet treat for the holidays! A perfect aREINgement, for sure.

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