Quarter of a Century

Twenty five years on this planet! It only makes “cents” to celebrate with a cookie for every one of those beautiful years. Happy quarter of a century, Kendra (she turned 25 in June. I’m a tad bit late in posting. It’s 2020 timing.)!

And in the Morning, I’m Making Waffles

As a gift to a friend who also adores New Hampshire, I made these waffle cookies and bought some delicious Fuller’s Syrup to bring back all the best memories. Yum OHHHHH!

The waffles are simple square cookies. I added a royal icing layer in the form of a grid. Once dried, the cookies were dipped in extra thin icing to create the ivory icing covering of the cookie. I took a brush and scooped or moved the icing within the grids to make it look as real as possible. When that was dried, I mixed Americolor ivory and water and highlighted the shadows in the divots , etc. Chocolate brown for the syrup and egg yellow for the butter pat. Placed it all in a BRP Box for delivery!

Happy Halloween 2020

Once in a blue moon comes a Halloween and a second October full moon on a Saturday. But, as all things 2020, it was tempered with a few tricks to go along with the treats. Hope you found sweetness in the simple things.