Happy Dyngus Day 2014

If you are polish, live near a large polish population, or just generally live in Buffalo, NY, you’re ready for Dyngus Day.  Smigus-Dyngus (“wet Monday”) is a celebration held on the Monday following Easter in Poland; Polish Americans call it Dyngus Day. Traditionally, boys throw water on girls they like -as well as spank/poke them with pussy willow branches (Monday for the boys and girls do the same on Tuesday).  Here in Buffalo, we are equipped with water guns (no super-soakers please) and buy our branches down at the Broadway Market.  Um.  Along with some delicious pierogies and kielbasa.  The parade/celebration starts at Central Terminal and winds it way through our ethnic Polonia.   …And maybe the after hours include a few pub crawls.  Sometimes it’s through rain, sometimes snow, but today it is 70 and sunny!  It’s finally looking like spring and Buffalo will celebrate with “fests” continuously throughout the spring, summer, and fall. When the nice weather comes, WE ARE READY!

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