‘Write’ On!

Some people who are near and dear to me are/were teachers so I have a special place in my heart of those who guide us toward critical thinking.  My 2017 gift box for the classroom teacher is right/write track.

Write one 1.jpg

And it all adds up for cookies that are calculated to make the math teacher smile….

Teacher calculates.jpg

Dessert Bar and Centerpieces for Staff Appreciation

This event was a school staff appreciation luncheon.  The school colors are red and yellow, thus the table was set in red, yellow, and black.  Please allow for our limited budget.  The first photo is of the table scape (a few things missing- they had to be in the fridge until serving).  Next are the photos of the centerpieces.

The first 2 centerpieces were ideas from the masters of cupcakes, Karen Tack & Alan Richardson.  I changed things up a bit to fit cookies and our location.  The Tim Horton’s cups were filled with brown M&Ms.  The last seemed appropriate for high school teachers.  🙂

Here are some centerpieces used at other “appreciation” events:  thanks bunches and thanks a ‘buzz’illion.