Come He** or High Water

Let me first say that Sydney is a fabulous swimmer (she’d have to be to make the Northwestern D-1 team). Hearty congratulations and good luck to Miss S as she heads off to Chicago this fall. All that hard work paid off! Go rule the pool!

That being said, I have to admit to a dislike.affair with purple cookies. There. I’ve said it. The darnedest color ever to match and impossible to get colleges, companies, logo masters, etc to commit to one shade. Really, really. Go google, say, ‘Northwestern University logo.’  50 different shades pop up.  And that’s the way it is with almost everything purple.  ARGH.  I decided to choose two shades & go with that.  At least I know they all had the same level of deliciousness!



Lacrosse (oh and soccer and basketball)

Go LAX! …and I don’t mean the airport in Los Angeles.  These cookies were created for a graduate who will be playing university lacrosse in another month or so.  But in high school, he was a 3 sport guy- also playing basketball and soccer when in season.  You could call him a “ballsy” sort of guy or maybe say that he was a “well rounded” athlete.

Some day I will make an entire post without a pun.  …….Today is not that day.


The lacrosse stick head was drawn with an edible ink pen (Americolor for heavier lines and Rainbow Dust for fine lines).  The portrait cookie was first penned in from a photo provided by mom (using a KopyKake); then details were added with thinned gel and an artist’s brush.


His high school ‘mascot’ is the Flame so I had the basketball ‘on fire’ as it headed into the net.  Also netted a goal with the soccer ball!

DSC_0722 DSC_0714

Full set plated and presented!
