I went to a Garden Party

I have this friend- Kathy- who is smart, kind, funny, clever, incredibly resourceful, etc etc.  You get the idea why any and everyone would want to hang with her!  But in the summertime, it is extra lovely to be her buddy because she grows this incredible garden.  No little plot with a handful of peppers and some tomato plants- rather it is a tilled and crop-rotated masterpiece.  A HUGE undertaking from which we all benefit!  so…I thought it apropos to make her birthday cookies that would help her ‘veg out!’ with something other than veggies.  Surprise, surprise- the puns are back.


What got me thinking about this theme was a trip to Crate and Barrel.  They had some vegetable plates that were humor provoking.  It doesn’t take much to send me in that general direction.  Some of the puns I had seen on-line in various places (wish I had the memory to tell you exactly where) and some just randomly popped into my head.  Hope you find them “wet your p(l)ants” funny!!DSC_0007 DSC_0023 DSC_0013


Pi Day 2014!

This is the one day to be completely “irrational!”  Let’s hear it for never ending Pi and all of it’s crazy connections (NPR has some links to crazy Pi facts and activities!).  The Pi platter included pumpkin and key lime pie, a cow pie, pirates and and a concoction or circular area and circumference.DSC_0579 DSC_0568

And, in memory of a great physicist and mathematician, happy birthday Albert E!  May we all go forth and passionately create our own theory of what is relative!


Centerpieces for an Engineers Ball

Huh?  When did engineers start having dinner dances?  Apparently it is a tradition for the UB student engineers.  I knew one of the lead organizers and he knew my cookies.  This led to some fun centerpiece karma.  I made cookies for half of the 30 tables as there were about 15 engineering clubs involved… I kind.a added one or two more to feed my own pun addiction.  I have a “pun” problem.  A really, truly, serious problem.

So I don’t have pictures of all of the tables because blithering idiot here forgot the camera when venue set-up time rolled around.  The few I have are from my phone and the quality is not optimal.  I did take some pictures before I left the house.  So here they are!

Such Chemistry between Us (AIChemical Engineers)

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Flying High (Aeronautics & Astronautics) -still favor the “paper” airplane…

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Can We be Civil? (Civil Engineers)

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Saluting Computing (Computing Machinery)

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Power equals I squared R (Electrical Engineers)


Space Cadet (SEDS : Students for the exploration and development of space)

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You Drive me Crazy! (Automotive Engineers)

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Take me to Your Leader (Robotics)

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Science Pun Fun

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There were also cookies for Black engineers, Hispanic engineers, Society of Women Engineers, Sustainable world, Biomedical engineering, Industrial engineering, etc.   Drat.  No pictures of those.  Need to plan more time for photos …